Celebrating #Women’s Day at Lal Bahadur Shastri College of Education . Today on 7th of March 2024Lal Bahadur Shastri College of Education celebrated International women’s day . Aceletating Equality and EmpowermentHow Women’s Leadership and Collective Action Can Make a Difference smt. Shakti Kohli chairperson of the college graced the occassion as chief guest .The function was started by the lightening of lamp . Students from B.Ed semester 3rd and semester 1st presented speech on women empowerment, they recite poems having the theme of women empowerment. A few cultural items with the same theme were also presented. The college principal Dr. Brij kohli welcommed the guest and expresses her gratitude towards the chief guest. She also congratulates the students for their participation . Chief guest smt. Shakti Kohli in her adress inspired the students by sharing her experience and urged everyone to follow the path of humanity . Vote of thanks was presented by Sh . Harbans singh senior administrator of College .