Lal Bahadur Shastri College of Education NH- Rajbagh, Kathua holds one day online National Workshop on “Blended mode of Teaching learning with special reference to NEP 2020.” The workshop was organized by the organizing committee of the college under the supervision of Principal Dr. Brij Kohli. This workshop was an attempt to highlight few goals of NEP 2020 keeping blended learning as visionary path. How technology is guiding to make the class room learning easy and conventional one. Resource person of the events were Prof. Vandana Punia, Dean Faculty of Education, Guru Jumbeshwar Dass University of Science and Technology, Hissar ,Haryana., Prof. Subha Das Mollick, Film Studies and Masss Communication, St. Xavier College, Kolkata., Dr. Sonam Bansal Assistant Professor at Rao Lal Singh College of Education, Sidhrawali, Gurugram, India.
The event was started with the traditional lightning of lamp by college chairman Dr. Surinder Kohli, Principal Dr. Brij Kohli and members of Management Sh. Himanshu Kohli, Harbans Singh , Naresh Kumar, proceeded by welcome speech by college Principal Dr. Brij Kohli.
Prof. Subha Das Mollick in her technical session on sub theme Blended Learning through Cinema made the audience aware about the use of cinema in teaching learning process. The session was very informative and interactive. All the participants shared their experiences on the subtheme and appreciated the efforts of the resource person.
Prof. Vandana Punia Coordinator of the event in her session on sub theme “ How to prepare MOOCs” acquint the audience with the different softwares to be used for developing online teaching-learning content. The process of preparing MOOCs and relate them with the blended mode of learning. How technology can help all the individuals to get prior knowledge by sitting at single location world wide. This session was very informative and appreciated by everyone.
Dr. Sonam Bansal threw light on Sub theme Techo-pedalogical skills and different